A frank presentation highlighting women’s sexuality and college life.

Illustration courtesy of www.vecteezy.com

Pirate staff, April 15, 2019

During Women’s History Month, Santa Monica Mediamakers Club members E. Douglas Kihn, Fernando Balzan and club staff filmed a frank presentation highlighting women’s sexuality and college life.

In the video, Dr. Lauren Brim, PhD, author of The New Rules of Sex, summarizes historic social taboos surrounding female pleasure before using custom props to explain clinical aspects of female sexuality, personal boundaries, and safety, especially regarding college-age students.

Here’s the video:

SMC’s Santa Monica Mediamakers Club invites students of all majors to check out their club, where any SMC student may learn to shoot their own professional-quality media, both in the school’s own television studio, and in the field. Club members use wide range of equipment, to create professional-level media, from podcasts and short documentaries, to new media series and narrative film.

The Mediamakers Club meets at noon on Mondays in room 182 (the CMD television studio) on the CMD campus; and the club shoots in the CMD television studio on Wednesdays.  For more information, contact: smcmediamakers@gmail.com, or editor@thepirateonline.com.

Categories: Sexuality